Thursday, January 29, 2015

Skinny Girl Problems

I'm probably going to be hated for this but I've just had it with the judgement and mean comments.

I am 5'3" and weigh a little over 100 lbs.  I have been blessed with a high metabolism.  I love vegetables and working out.  I'm a unique and blessed person, with a blessed and unique slim body.

But I'm sick of the judgement from other woman.  I didn't ask for this body.  I was blessed with it.  I don't throw it in peoples faces.  I am humble (mainly because I'm scared of offending someone or being judged.)

I was very fortunate to lose my baby weight fast after having both my sons.  I dropped it so fast I can only nurse my boys for 6-8 months because I lose the weight so fast. (I ate a ton and made a lot of milk.  The boys would suck everything out of me!)

But I cringed when people would ask me why I stopped breastfeeding.  I loved breastfeeding and the bond I was having with my boys.  But with both boys I had to stop between 6 to 8 months.  I was losing the weight fast from breastfeeding and around my boys being 6 months I would be down 10 lbs from my original weight and still losing it fast.  I was asked by a few people if I was eating enough food.  (Dude I was pumping like 8 + oz every 4 hours.)  I had one family member come up to me and tell me I looked sick.  That I was too skinny and I needed to eat more.  ...Uhm that was rude!  I would snack and eat so much while nursing....I would seriously sometimes eat more than my husband!

Yes my friends and family may mostly be joking about how skinny I am, but you know somewhere deep down there is some truth to their jokes.  It isn't socially acceptable to go to bigger people and joke to them they are looking to big and they need to go on a diet, so why is it okay to talk about my weight, or lack thereof.  It's not nice to say some girls are too skinny.  Just like it's not nice to call a girl fat.

I'm writing this post to raise awareness.  Just because we are skinny doesn't give you a pass to make judgmental jokes.  It may be funny to you but it's not to us.  It's okay to compliment and admire.  But if your comment can be seen negative even if you see it as a compliment, please don't say it.  We all have issues with our bodies.  Not one of us is perfect.  Over the years I have learned to take care of and respect my body.  So sorry if i'm sick of the judgmental and rude comments whether you are joking or not. I've heard it enough joke after joke.  People need to know whether you are big or small it's not okay to tell someone they are too skinny or to big.

Now if you really are concerned about someone having an eating disorder that's a completely different story.  You don't ignore it and you seek to help and show them loving support.  I highly suggest to research and appropriately look up how to assess and handle helping this person.  Please check out  for more helpful information.

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