2014 was one of the craziest years of my life. It started out exciting starting my own business opening up my salon and working from home. We welcomed our youngest son into the world In the beginning of the year. And Cole was starting the job process for working at a new better job. We ended up moving into some in-laws houses while waiting for our move. It was a lot of change for a small family.
With all the changes it put a lot of stress on mine and Coles relationship. We both agree divorce was a scary thought at the time and it seemed possible. I never knew how lonely I could feel when I didn't feel connected with my spouse. Even though Cole and I worked hard to fix things, I couldn't always rely on him to be there for me emotionally.
I learned a lot of things for the year 2014. I know I have said this many times before but I'm kinda grateful for that hard time because it seriously turned my life around. With every trial I have gone through it has made me a better/stronger/smarter person. Last year I learned a lot about myself.
The biggest thing I learned is that you can't always rely on your family and friends. They may always be there for you but they can't help you out of everything. Sometimes you have to roll up your sleeves and figure it out all on your own. And with that I rolled up my sleeves and I fixed what needed fixing at that time. I found out what an amazing mom I am. What a loving and determined wife I am. That I am dependable of a friend/sister/daughter. That I am a beautiful individual inside and out. But mostly I found out that I became my own hero. I never realized the strength I had within me. And now that I found that I refuse to let it go.
Sometimes it's nice to have a Knight in shining armor to come to your rescue. But I have found that it is much more satisfying to find that I am also a hero. Not just to myself but to others as well. I have also had a quick answer when people ask me who my hero is. I always mention my husband and grandfather for their sacrifices they made serving our country. Now It may sound cheesy but I will probably mention myself. It may confuse others but once I mention the few sacrifices and hard times I have had to deal with in my life. How I grew instead of let the hard times overcome me and it turned me into a hero. You can roll your eyes all you want but it won't make me change my mind. Maybe you should look at your life and see what you have accomplished. You may not see it but you may be a hero to someone else. Why can't you be one for yourself as well?
This is awesome. I needed to hear this today :)