Thursday, February 5, 2015

I'm A Mountain Climber

I thought of an analogy the other day and I feel like I'm a genius because I thought of it...:)

Cole and I are mountain climbers.  The first 3 years of our marriage we were always on the same page and climbed this mountain together step by step.  We finally reached the peak and we were happy and enjoying the beautiful view.  But eventually Cole decided he didn't want to stop and he wanted to keep exploring.

So he searched all over on the top of this peak and he found a slippery slope.  He found it and he decided to slide down it.  He had a blast while doing it.  But once he got to the bottom he realized he wanted to be on top with me again.  So I had to make the long climb down and we climbed back up this slope together, step by step.  Once again we finally made it to the top and we were happy.

Well Cole eventually would find the slope again and he decided to have fun sliding down it.  And I of course, heard him calling asking to come back up and I would go down and I climbed down to him and we would climb back up together, step by step.  This has repeated over and over again.  My husband wants to have fun sliding down the slope and I am happy and content staying up at the peak.

Right now Cole is down at the bottom and he is calling for me to come get him.  I have climbed half way down the mountain but I have sat down to think about our situation.  I don't know how many more times I want to climb down and help him.  Half of me loves him and wants to help him up.  But the other half of me is exhausted and doesn't want to go through this repetition again. For once I just want to play it by ear.  I'm happy where I'm at, but i'm not going to keep climbing down there.  If he decides he wants to climb up... cool.  If he wants to stay down  I'm just going to enjoy our mountain and if he wants to keep climbing up and sliding down the slope than more power to him.

Me being concerned about his actions and decisions isn't going to do any good and he has a right to make his own.  I'm just going to enjoy the beautiful view.

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