This is just the first post. The introduction to why I am even starting this blog. I am in need of a safe place to share my thoughts, wants, wishes and needs. Yes some people may attack me on this blog (hopefully everyone will be nice). But I also feel like I may find others that will reach out and help. Or even better I will write something that will help others. Only time will tell. But first let me Introduce my self.
Hi my name is Beth. I am in my mid 20's and I have been married to my amazing husband Cole for 5+ years. Cole and I have 2 beautiful kids that we love very much. I am a business owner/stay at home mom. Cole was in the Marine Corp for 6 years and now is currently a LEO officer working on a SWAT Team. (If you are wondering yes those are made up names but the rest is true. )
I could go on and on about our life story.... trust me we have some cool stories. I'm sure I'll eventually get to those but first I do want to share with you the significant parts. I LOVE MY HUSBAND! With every hard time we have fought together to fix our problems. The strongest issue we have had is my husbands alcohol addiction. He came back with PTSD from his tour to Afghanistan which later led to his addiction. I hate telling people this in fear that they will judge him. Or worse pity him because he was deployed and he has a good excuse. My thoughts: He is a human he made a mistake. I don't think worse of him but like any addiction, you can have an excuse but I think that just will enable your problem until you finally fix it. I feel it is important to share this because I think a lot of our issues since, have started from this. And with every addiction problem I have learned. And hopefully I can share with those who have the same problem the things I have learned to help you during your hard times. Or maybe it will be in reverse I will have a hard time and you can help give me advise.
I hope to post every Thursday with a new post. Starting this Thursday 10-6-2014. If you wish to follow me cool we will be in this together! If not no harm done we didn't click. I will warn you on one thing, I am horrible at grammar. So if you are one of those who hates incorrect grammar/spelling and so forth this is soooo not the blog for you. Sorry I do try my very best but it has always been one of my biggest weaknesses.
Like I was saying this is my place to share my thoughts, my concerns, my wishes, my want, my needs, MY VOICE. Lets see where this takes us.
Your voice matters. Will you put a followers tab on the side so I can follow you? Or something like that?